Helping Wedding Show Producers Create Better Experiences and Better Shows

Join us in Orlando, May 5-8 , at the Rosen Plaza Hotel.

The mission of WSPI is to elevate the quality and impact of Wedding Shows by fostering meaningful connections between exhibitors and engaged couples. We are dedicated to creating an environment of trust, communication, and support for exhibitors and producers alike, empowering each to thrive. By providing resources, inspiration, and a community of mutual respect, we strive to create memorable experiences that enrich the wedding journey for all.

Learning Together

Our membership - mostly in North America - have shows all over the world and freely share ideas of what has worked and what hasn’t with our shows.

The annual conference is where we get together to learn from pro speakers as well as each other.

We also host monthly webinars to continue learning and sharing throughout the year.

“This group has empowered me to elevate my business, build invaluable relationships and stay ahead of industry trends.”

Joe Andretta, Plan It Expos

Our Events

Each spring, WSPI hosts a conference held in a different location year to year.  We also come together in November for the Wedding MBA in Las Vegas. Both are opportunities to cement relationships and learn from each other with people in our industry who understand what you do.  We bring you the best educators in the industry to speak on a variety of topics, to keep you on the cutting edge of the hottest trends in the market.

"Being a part of WSPI is like being a part of a supportive family that understands the challenges and joys of running bridal shows, helping you grow and succeed in your business." 

- Ryan Kolder, Wedding Show Productions

Associate Members 

As an association of wedding show producers, we welcome our Associate Members.

They are businesses who work with our members and our audiences for the benefit of both parties. For more information about joining as an Associate Member, reach out to us here.

Here is a list of our Associate Members