If you produce wedding shows, joining WSPI is a great idea. WSPI is the ONLY organization dedicated to furthering the interests of the bridal show industry. Since 1996, WSPI has provided our members a forum for improving their shows, obtaining advice, and increasing their profits.

A wide range of benefits are included with your membership. From our information-packed annual conference, to our email message group, you will find that your show producer membership will pay for itself many times over.

Applicant shall have been in business under the same ownership for at least eighteen (18) months. Bridal Show Producer applicants shall have produced at least two consumer bridal shows within a period not greater than two years, in the same geographical market, in the period immediately prior to application.

Annual dues for show producers are $395. Complete the application form below or contact our membership director.

We also invite in associate members. These are businesses that exhibit at bridal shows on a national basis or provide a product or service to bridal show producers. Associate Membership affords you the opportunity to network with bridal show producers from all over the world and secure opportunities to reach your target market. Associate membership also includes the opportunity to promote your business at our annual conference. Annual Dues for associate members are $495. Complete the form below or contact our membership director.

"I love WSPI because it brings together the best minds in the wedding show industry, creating a community of collaboration, innovation, and growth.”

Joe Andretta, Plan It Expo

Member Benefits

All WSPi members can attend our conference. This three-day event includes seminars, open forums and presentations by industry leaders and suppliers. You will have the opportunity to learn, ask questions, share ideas and gather information. (And there is also plenty of time for networking and fun!) We focus on increasing booth and ticket sales, getting sponsorships, updating your image, and marketing your shows. WSPi Conferences are full of inspiration for bridal show producers! Broaden your perspective through great seminars, round table discussions, speakers, and opportunities to pick up new ideas as you meet with fellow bridal show producers from all over the world.

Our moderated round-table discussions are your chance to find out how other show producers conduct their business and handle issues, which affect their shows.

Want to see how show producers in other markets promote their show? Looking for new ideas to improve your promotion program? In our advertising forum, you will review sales materials, attendee promotions, advertisements, and commercials, which have worked for other WSPi members.

You'll tap into our comprehensive resource library of products and services, which can be used to enhance your shows. We find the best suppliers and the best pricing for items such as badges, displays, stage decor, and printing. These suppliers have discounts and special offers only available to WSPi members.

Your WSPi membership gives you ways to reduce your costs and increase your profits. Our combined purchasing power helps you reduce your costs for products and services you use to produce your shows. Take advantage of discounts, available only to members.

Each WSPi conference includes seminars on topics of interest to show producers. Recent seminar topics have included:

Customer service

Ways to use social media -- and ways not to

Exhibitor training, education and pre or post show events

Developing exhibit sales contracts

Media buying

What do exhibitors REALLY want from your show?

The exhibit sales process

Maximizing your web presence

Bridal Show 911 - What to do when disaster strikes

Insurance: Are you adequately protected?

Building a better fashion show and fashion show forum

Negotiating with hotels and small venues

Your WSPi membership brings you into a group of show producers who have achieved a level of success and professionalism, which sets them apart. The contacts you make will be invaluable to your business.

Our closed Facebook group allows you to keep in touch with other WSPi members 24/7. Have a question? Need some advice? Want to float an idea? A posting to the group will generate answers and solutions, offering you immediate access to the wealth of knowledge from other show producers.

WSPi has represented the bridal show industry since 1996. The WSPi logo has come to stand for quality. You will be associated with the ONLY organization dedicated to furthering the interests of our industry. As a member, you will have use of the widely recognized WSPi logo in your advertising, and inclusion on the WSPi website.

Our members tell us that one of the most important benefits of membership in WSPi is the opportunity to participate in our educational programs. These programs give you the opportunity to learn, ask questions, share ideas and gather information.

Our certification program recognizes the expertise and experience of our members. The continuing education element ensures that show producers stay on the leading edge of the industry. Certification shows exhibitors and sponsors that you are a leader in your field.

Questions? Contact our Membership Director.

Show Producer’s Application

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly!

WSPi evaluates all applicants to assess their level of professionalism and their standing within the industry. Please allow 15 days for processing of your application. Applicant acknowledges that WSPi may contact exhibitors and trade references as part of the application process. Applicant acknowledges that all statements provided are true and misrepresentation is grounds for rejection of membership. Applicant agrees to abide by the WSPi Bylaws and Code of Ethics and all copyright, trade and service mark laws.

Membership is $395/year.

Associate Member Application

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! Applicant shall have been in business under the same ownership for at least one (1) year. Applicant acknowledges that WSPi may contact exhibitors and trade references as part of the application process. Applicant acknowledges that all statements provided are true and misrepresentation is grounds for rejection of membership. Applicant agrees to abide by the BSPi Bylaws and Code of Ethics and all copyright, trade and service mark laws.

Associate Membership is $495/year.